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Preview: My Life Story in One Minute

1999-2000: Media Reel & Spiritual Meltdown

2001-2002: Jamming for Alzheimer's patients

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Spring 2007: My last comedy project before I found my

true mission in life to help people unlock their musical joy


The bad gig that sparked my life-changing epiphany to write a book to inspire regular people to jam at home purely or fun & joy instead of pressurizing music by trying perform in public.

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2008: Studying these books as research for my own book changed my life. See this slideshow I made to sum it all up


Inspired by that research, I started dancing for fun at home, then felt more comfortable dancing in public. At this Galactic show in New Orleans, the floor got wet and my sneakers could suddenly groove smoothly, so I had the epiphany to invent "sneakers that slide like James Brown's shoes."

2009: Cesar the Colombian Cobbler & I made the first pairs of Groove Shoes by cobbling leather soles to my sneakers.

May 2010: the first videos I made in my first Groove Shoes, which I called "Slydurs" at the time...

August 7th, 2010: I tested my Groove shoes at Long Beach Funk Fest. People loved it & wanted shoes! It inspired me to start my shoe company. This video is from the following year 2011, but the reactions were the same in 2010...

When we made the first pair of Groove Shoes back in 2009, it was just a funny idea for my Hallowen costume: NBA star Birdman Andersen. So in 2011 we filmed this video for fun...

January 2011: After I met a Nike shoe designer who could get us a big meeting at Nike HQ later that year, I started developing the fitness potential of Groove Shoes...

2.18.2011: I rocked my first great gig after 18 years of failed attempts. A dream come true, but I wound up deferring my live music dream for another 5 years to focus on the shoe biz.

April 2011: funny session at USC Sports Science Lab to determine how many calories you can burn in Groove Shoes...

June 2011: We filmed professional videos of Women's Fitness in Groove Shoes, Men's Fitness, and spent the summer building this presentation for our big Nike meeting on 9.13.2011

October 2011: our Nike meeting went well but they asked for more authentication of the sports training potential, so I consulted with these two NFL trainers.

Nike owns Converse. An executive from Converse was very interested in our shoe concept, so we made this video to fit the Converse brand...

When our momentum at Nike & Converse slowed down, I start stressing badly. But I kept rocking my stress out every night at home I'd been doing since 1999. Here's a video with my glowstick guitar pick innovation...

November 2011: Strumming out my stress. The 2nd half of this video shows my full looping process if you want to see it.

In 2012, Nike fizzled out but I got connected to major execs at PUMA, so I laser-focused on PUMA...

Funny video we made about smooth soles:

My proposal for PUMA Groove launch ads:

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© 1999-2024 by Robert Corbett

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